
The only man alive who can tell you what is like to be EXECUTED after three death row.

Just before 8pm, prison guards swarmed into the 'death cell' holding inmate Kenneth Smith and summarily prepared him for execution. He'd been on the phone to his wife Dee as they both waited to hear any updates on legal efforts to delay his death warrant for that day. 'We need the phone, Kenny,' one guard told him and he quickly said goodbye to her for what they both assumed was the last time. The 10-strong squad of guards put handcuffs and leg irons on him for the short walk to the nearby execution chamber of the William C Holman Correctional Facility in Atmore, Alabama, where he was to die by lethal injection. It was November 17 last year and, after decades of legal wrangling, the convicted killer who'd found God during his 33 years on Death Row had resigned himself to dying that night. Over the next four hours, he'd need his faith as never before. For he was to endure what he says was searing physical pain and unbearable mental torture as bungling executi

world's most dangerous town is completely abandoned and removed from maps

The 'most dangerous town in the world' is completely empty and has been wiped off the map - and with good reason. While the UK's most dangerous town has a whopping 139.6 crimes per 1,000 people, just breathing in the air in this abandoned settlement in Australia is enough to kill you. Yikes. You could even be prosecuted for just stepping foot in the ghost town - although I have no idea why anyone would want to. That wasn't enough to dissuade one TikToker though, who shared the below video before it was completely shut off: Australian officials have literally wiped Wittenoom off the map in a bid to deter would-be tourists from heading there. Of course, everyone wants what they can't have and some barmy explorers have even dubbed it a 'bucket-list' location. The town's final resident gave up her fight to stay in May this year and got out of the way of the incoming bulldozers ready to flatten the place. At its peak, more than 800 people had lived there. By

Tell-tale signs you have bedbugs at home and way's to get ride of them

If you’re squeamish about bugs you may not enjoy reading and hearing about bed bugs - but you most certainly will want to read these top tips for how to get rid of an infestation, Bedbugs are the hot topic of health at the moment with the fear continuing to loom of a widespread infestation in the UK - as has been seen in Paris. Reports have already emerged of bed bugs on the London underground, with the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan saying there will be “no complacency” and calling it a “real cause of concern”. But bed bugs aren’t new to the UK, with the cimex lectularius the most common species found here. 90,000 Brits are looking up bedbugs each month with infestation reports having increased by 65 percent compared to last year - and Britons are beginning to become concerned about the risk of painful bedbug bites. The insects don’t only inhabit beds, but tend to be found in furniture of some sort. According to Rachael Kiss of Alliance Online - who sell insect control devices - bedbugs

World's first chimaera monkey created by Chinese scientists in stem cell breakthrough

Birth of the macaque, with glowing fingertips, could shed light on how stem cells work in the early embryonic development and create life A “chimaera monkey” born with glowing fingertips and fluorescent green eyes has been created by Chinese scientists in a world first stem cell breakthrough. The breakthrough could also see animals being created with specific human-like traits that better allow for medicines and drugs to be tested. Enhanced in a lab Scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) took stem cells from a week-old embryo of one macaque and enhanced them in a lab to ensure they would be able to turn into any cell in the body. These cells, known as pluripotent embryonic stem cells, are essential in nature as they are a blank canvas and able to become anything a body needs. A glowing green tag was then attached to these cells before they were injected into a five-day-old embryo of another macaque. From a total of 12 pregnancies, there were six live births. One of the

Think you’ve seen the toughest of prisons? This is called ADX Florence Supermax Prison in America.

Think you’ve seen the toughest of prisons? This is called ADX Florence Supermax Prison in America It is the only federal supermax prison ADX Florence Supermax Prison, located in the United States, is a name that strikes fear into the hearts of even the most notorious criminals. As the country’s only federal supermax prison, it is notorious for housing some of the world’s most dangerous and infamous inmates. But what sets this fortress of isolation apart? Security at ADX Florence is second to none. In its entire history, not a single criminal has managed to escape from its impenetrable walls. With around 439 inmates currently confined within, it’s crucial to understand the extreme isolation they face. For many prisoners at ADX Florence, the isolation is agonizing. Cut off from all human contact, inmates are unable to communicate with other people, making the silence almost deafening. What’s more, they cannot see the prison guards or other prisoners, adding to the sense of isolation. A

What you need to know about the Bermuda Triangle

What you need to know about the Bermuda Triangle Bermuda Triangle, section of the North Atlantic Ocean off North America in which more than 50 ships and 20 airplanes are said to have mysteriously disappeared. The area, whose boundaries are not universally agreed upon, has a triangular shape that reaches approximately from the Atlantic coast of Florida to Bermuda to the islands known as the Greater Antilles. Reports of unexplained occurrences in the region date to the mid-19th century. Some ships were discovered completely abandoned for no apparent reason; others transmitted no distress signals and were never seen or heard from again. Aircraft have been reported and then vanished, and rescue missions are said to have vanished when flying in the area. However, wreckage has not been found, and some of the theories advanced to explain the repeated mysteries have been fanciful. Although theories of supernatural causes for these disappearances abound, geophysical and environmental factors a

Here's THe real reason why President Joe Biden don't drink alcohol

Here's THe real reason why President Joe Biden don't drink alcohol  President Joe Biden's decision to not consume alcohol is a deeply personal aspect of his life. President Biden has been transparent about the reasons he chose to remain sober, revealing the deeply personal and familial aspects that influenced his decision. The history of alcohol-related problems in President Biden's family was one of the biggest factors in his decision to refrain from drinking. His perspective on alcohol was greatly influenced by his father, Joe Biden Sr. Joe Sr. experienced ups and downs in his finances, which helped him develop the fortitude needed to face hardship head-on. Joe Biden Jr. acknowledged that there were "enough alcoholics in [his] family" to make him cautious about the possible risks of alcohol consumption, according to a May 7, 2020 Marie Claire article. Joe Jr. was exposed to the effects of alcohol consumption by his father, who did not suffer from alcoholism